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PPMD April Update

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Hello Perry Park Metropolitan District residents,

We now have completed agreements and land transfers with Windfield Enterprises to preserve an open space areas at the end of Apache Drive. A cul-de-sac will be built there and the PPMD will have open space area there for residents. The remaining region is privately owned land and is planned to be fenced off.

Thanks to a group of volunteers who organized and raised funds for a dog waste station near Gilloon Pond, the board approved a purchase and installation of a waste station to help residents be responsible and clean up their pet waste. Several residents have commented on this issue, so please clean up after your pets in our open space areas.

Since last month, we have not received sufficient donations to run our 4th of July Fireworks show in the face of costs doubling and limited availability of providers. However, the parade is still planned.

The status of other current topics on the board include:
Entryway Improvements - the Larkspur Fire District has expressed concern to CORE about fire risk of overhead lines at the neighborhood entrance. We are advocating that CORE bury lines to reduce fire hazards.
Cellular Service Improvements - private landowners are discussing options for building a tower to help with emergency services and resident cellular service.
Gateway Pond water rights - Douglas County is applying to the state to designate our pond an emergency fire suppression pond which would save the district significant legal expenses.
Wauconda Park master plan - we engaged with UC Denver to help us progress a plan for the park, with community input.
Gilloon Pond improvements - neighbors are organizing a group to mow and maintain a trail around the pond.
Committees - we need volunteers to improve our community. There is an Independence Day Planning Committee, a Firewise Committee, an Entry Design Committee, and a Parks and Open Space Committee that can always use help! There are many great ideas for improving our community, and to implement more of them, we need you! To get involved, you can reach us at to offer your help and we'll get you connected.
Donations to Community Events - we have a non-profit, 501c(3) fund that is a tax-deductible fund - the Perry Park Community Fund. See our website for more information. Zelle is now a donation option to make it easier.
Our May board meeting is scheduled for Thursday – May 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Perry Park Country Club and on Zoom. You can see the meeting schedule and documents, as well as other neighborhood information and contact forms, at - Zoom and in-person attendance are options, making it convenient for you to participate. A calendar of other meetings is on the website as well.

Thank you on behalf of the Board of Directors,
Steve Ostrowski - Director & Secretary, Perry Park Metropolitan District
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