You might get a homeowner's insurance discount because Perry Park is a Certified Firewise Community. Check with your insurer!


Perry Park Community Fund - 501(c)(3) 501c3

There are many projects and initiatives here in Perry Park that do not always fall under the jurisdiction, guidelines or within the budget constraints of the Perry Park Metro Board.  We have therefore created an IRS approved 501(c)(3)3 non-profit called the “Perry Park Community Fund” where individuals and businesses may make a voluntary, tax deductible donation to help pay for those costs.

Please join your friends and neighbors by supporting a few of the many exciting programs and activities we enjoy here in Perry Park, including our July 4th celebrations. As Perry Park residents have many ideas on additional events and activities within the neighborhood, the Perry Park Community Fund will provide opportunities to implement some of the ideas.

Thank you for your support!

See the donation document to select your preferred projects and submit your donation.

Perry Park Community Fund - Meetings & Documents

Perry Park Community Fund - Meeting Notices/Agendas & Minutes

Perry Park Community Fund - Documents