You might get a homeowner's insurance discount because Perry Park is a Certified Firewise Community. Check with your insurer!


District Board

The Metropolitan District Board’s functions are governed by a set of Bylaws approved by the Board of Directors. The Boards areas of responsibilities are defined by a Service Plan authorized by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners.

Members of the board are each elected to a term of 4 years. Elections to the Board are held in May of odd numbered years. Board applicants must be a registered voter in the State of Colorado, and must either own property within the Metropolitan District's boundaries or reside within the Metropolitan District.

The Board of the Perry Park Metropolitan District currently consists of five members:


TitleNameTerm Expiration DateContact
PresidentDarren HillMay
Vice PresidentJoseph BrickwegMay
TreasurerJill ArthursMay
SecretarySteven OstrowskiMay
Assistant SecretaryChristian WarrenMay
General Board Contactn/an/ 


The following is a list of the general and specific responsibilities of each Director:

COMMITTEE:                                                               CHAIR / LIAISON                       

Firewise Committee:                                        Joe Brickweg

    Fire Education, Fire Remediation / Grants, Slash Collection Program

Entry Committee                                               Jill Arthurs

Events / Activities Committee:                        Chris Warren

Parks & Open Space Committee:       Steve Ostrowski

    Wauconda Park, Gilloon Pond & Park, Big "D" Open Space, Gateway Pond & Open Space

Road Maintenance Committee:                       Chris Warren

Inter-Agency Coordination Committee:           Chris Warren / Joe Brickweg

Communications Committee:                          Steve Ostrowski / Darren Hill

      Website, Social Media Outlets, and Surveys

Finance / Administration Committee:          Jill Arthurs / Chris Warren

     Financials, Accounting, Accounts Payable, Banking / Investments

Special Projects Committee:                          Jill Arthurs

     Entry Design Committee

Wireless Telephone Service Committee            Steve Ostrowski