FAQ Questions & Answers


How are new roads and utilities established? What is a LID?

New roads and utilities are implemented through the establishment of a Local Improvement District (LID).

A Local Improvement District (LID) is a method of financing capital improvements for constructing infrastructure, by assessing the whole or part of the costs of the improvements, that are a benefit to the properties within the boundary of the LID.

A LID is created when property owners within a defined benefited area petition the County to make street, drainage, water, utility and/or sanitary sewer improvements.

The LID allows County staff to work with property owners to define LID boundaries, develop construction cost estimates and estimate assessments for the lots within the LID. State Statute requires a petition, public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners (“Board”) and an election. The LID program also allows County staff to procure tax-exempt bonds or local bank construction loans to finance the cost of the improvements constructed within the LID and collect special assessments over a ten (10)-year period to pay for the improvements.

For more regarding LIDS click on the link below:

Local Improvement Districts


What are the local codes regarding animals and livestock?

The Perry Park Metro District is NOT responsible for animal codes/regulations, permitting and/or enforcement of within Perry Park Ranch.

All animal codes and regulations are primarily governed by county specific regulations relative to lot size, area designation, etc that define what animals are permitted/maintained.

For specifics of the Douglas county regulations please see the appropriate page/documents located on Douglas County website: Animal Regulations

Second to the County regulations are the individual covenants as outlined for each of the 12 different filings within the Park itself. As an example, the Covenant noted in Perry Park Filing No. 3 states:

ANIMALS: No animals, livestock, poultry of any kind shall be housed, raised or kept on any tract or property, temporarily or permanently, except that commonly accepted domestic household pets may be kept, provided that they are not kept or maintained for any commercial purpose.

Enforcement of the specific covenants for each filing is the responsibility of the associated Architectural Control Committee.  See the Architectural Control & HOA page for more information.


How do I get access to the Upper Cheyenne Road?

The undeveloped area, known as “Upper Cheyenne”, beyond the locked gate located at the end of the generally accessible length of Cheyenne Drive, is a VEHICULAR  RESTRICTED access area.

Vehicular access to the “Upper Cheyenne” area is prohibited except for County personnel and vehicles, emergency vehicles, and holders of a special use permit.  The general public, however, is permitted equestrian, pedestrian, bicycle, and other non-vehicular acess to the area without a permit.

Enforcement of the vehicle restriction is the responsibility of the “Douglas County Sheriff’s office, but the Perry Park Metro District is responsible for issuing and maintaing special use permits as well as issuing the necessary gate keys for access.

Property owners who wish vehicular access to the restricted area may obtain a gate key by:

All printed applications should be mailed to the Perry Park Metro District:

Perry Park Metro District 
P.O. Box 0183 
Larkspur, Co 80118

Alternately you my electronically fill in the PDF form, save (or print and scan your form), and email to submit@perrypark.org with the subject “Cheyenne Access Request”.