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2024 4th of July Events!

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Please read to the end of this long message for info on both the parade and the laser show.


All residents are invited to join us in celebrating American Independence Day this year on Thursday, July 4th!

The Perry Park Independence Day Parade, as held for the past 16 years, will take place around the Big D Open Space off Red Rock Drive. The Parade will be kicking off at 11:00am and traveling around Red Rock Circle from Delaware Drive to Osage Way, terminating at Worley Grove - where Chris Miller's MR Hauling and Elizabeth Owens RE/MAX Alliance will provide free hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, water and ice cream!

This years Grand Marshall is Dave Gardner, local Realtor and founder of the Perry Park Parade about 16 years ago, before turning it over to the Perry Park Metro District. Join us in celebrating Dave’s contributions to our community as he is recognized as this years Grand Marshall!

All are encouraged to arrive early to pick a good seat along the parade route to view the Parade, then join us at Worleys Grove to meet the mounted riders, miniature horses and burros and the many other parade participants (plus enjoy some great food provided by our sponsors), while meeting up with your friends, family and neighbors!

If you would like to walk, ride or have a float IN THE PARADE, please click this link to register and sign up!

Please note that due to a resident complaints, the DC Sheriff deputies may be providing traffic enforcement this year, so all participants are encouraged to follow legal requirements regarding transport and legal driving age to operate a motorized vehicle in the parade.

All Are Invited!



The Perry Park Metro District, in partnership with the Douglas County Board of Commissioners (and with permission from the Douglas Land Conservancy), will present a Laser Light and Image Show (coordinated to Music), on the Northwest grassy lawn of the Big D along Red Rock Drive on the evening of July 4th, starting about 9:30pm. 

The show will be projected from the field on the Northwest side of the Big D (near the Stables) while images are projected onto the large rocks on the other side of Red Rock Drive (with permission, thanks to the owner - Bear Ridge Development).

Residents are invited to bring a picnic blanket and folding chairs starting about 7:00pm and join us for an evening of fellowship and community on the Big D! All are reminded that this is a Natural Open Space, protected by the Douglas Land Conservancy Easement - so please be respectful not to litter and leave the area as you found it. Folding chairs, picnic blanket, flashlights and personal bug spray are recommended (but fireworks, open flames and alcohol are prohibited). 

The Perry Park Metro District, with important support from the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, are piloting this evening program as an alternative to the costly and potentially risky Community Fireworks Show and hopes all residents of Perry Park will attend with your friends, family and neighbors - rather than attempt to hold your own fireworks show on July 4th! 

Lets keep our families and community safe this 4th of July!


The Perry Park Metro District 

4th of July Committee

Questions? Email