You might get a homeowner's insurance discount because Perry Park is a Certified Firewise Community. Check with your insurer!


Wildfire Hazard Fuel Removal Project

Perry Park Wildfire Hazard Fuels and Standing Dead Tree Removal Project

The Douglas-fir Tussock Moth epidemic of 2015-16 killed many of the trees in the undeveloped areas adjoining “Upper” Cheyenne Drive within Perry Park. These standing dead trees have created an extreme wildfire hazard to our community. There is a need to mitigate this hazard and the Perry Park Metropolitan District has initiated a project to reduce this wildfire hazard starting in 2020.

The Perry Park Metropolitan District and The Colorado State Forest Service have partnered to fund this project and have obtained State Fire Assistance – Wildland Urban Interface (SFA-WUI) grant funding to help offset the costs of this wildfire hazard reduction project.  Landowners within the identified high wildfire hazard/risk area will be receiving further information about this wildfire mitigation project this spring.

Please stay tuned to this web page for additional information and updates as this project moves forward.