Slash Pickup
Perry Park offers residents only a program to pick up certain types of slash, but there are rules that need to be followed for your slash to be eligible. Please make sure to read all of the following so that your slash is picked up at no cost to you. We provide two annual “Slash” pickups in order to promote resident mitigation and provide added protection from the spread of fires. Slash is picked up in Zone 1-4 (see map of zones) for four weeks beginning June 1 and again October 1.
“Slash” in general is defined as landscape cuttings removed during mitigation to reduce risk of wildfire spread.
Slash Includes:
- Brush and Scrub Oak
- Cut trunks and tree branches no larger than 10″ in diameter and no longer than 12 feet in length.
Slash DOES NOT include:
- Home Construction Lot Clearing Debris
- Logs larger than 10" in diameter
- Tree Stumps
- Pine Needles, unless attached to branches
- Leaves
- Rocks or Metals
- Trash or Furniture or Recyclables
- Railroad Ties
- Construction Materials or Boards
- Bagged Material
Any piles containing non-slash items will not be picked up, and the homeowner will need to pay for their own disposal!
How To Put Out Slash For Pickup
Slash should be placed at the curb side near, but NOT on, the asphalt road or any paved surface. Material should be in a single concentrated pile, stacking the pile HIGH, not long; the higher the better! Any piles smaller than 2 cubic yards should be combined with your neighbor’s pile as tiny piles and individual tree branches will not be picked up! 2 cubic yards is the size of a large refrigerator, 3 ft X 3 ft x 6 ft.
For smaller piles, please use your trash service or Douglas County's waste collection & mulch pickup site which is open regularly through much of the year. If our slash schedule does not meet your needs, you can also use the county site at no charge as a county resident.
Please try to limit to one (1) pile of slash per resident. Combine piles with neighbors if you only have a small amount of slash.
Please DO NOT place piles directly under power lines, near gas meters, phone and utility pedestals or mail boxes.
Be aware the slash pickup truck must be stabilized at each stop and the truck’s loader arm has a limited reach.
A representative of the board will come around about 2 weeks before your Zone is scheduled for pick up to check your pile. If the pile does not comply with the rules above, a notice will be given to the resident on what does not conform. The resident has until the truck comes around to make sure the pile conforms. If the pile still does not conform, it will not be picked up. The resident will then have to make arrangements to take the pile to a public dump. This can cost the resident up to approximately $500 and still may not be accepted by the dump depending on what is in the pile. Residents can also contact us at with your contact information so a PPMD representative can follow up with you.
The Pickup Schedule and When To Put Out Your Slash
Slash is picked up twice a year, the first beginning on June 1 and the second on October 1. In order to assist residents in their mitigation planning, the pickup is organized into 4 separate zones over 4 weeks.
New Slash Pickup Schedule for 2023
Beginning June 1st | |
Week #1 | Zone 4 |
Week #2 | Zone 3 |
Week #3 | Zone 2 |
Week #4 | Zone 1 |
Beginning October 1st | |
Week #1 | Zone 1 |
Week #2 | Zone 2 |
Week #3 | Zone 3 |
Week #4 | Zone 4 |
Please do not stack your cuttings or place slash piles curbside prior to 30-days immediately preceding the scheduled slash pickup.
The slash must be in place prior to arrival of the slash truck. There will be NO repeat pickups to an area once it has been served!
Slashed placed at the curbside after the pick-up has occurred will remain there until the next scheduled seasonal pick-up. No slash should be put at roadside after the October pickup is complete to avoid interference with snow plowing.
Slash pickup and removal is performed by M.R. Hauling (303-919-1996). Residents may hire M.R. Hauling, or other sources, to remove slash before or after scheduled pickups. Some Perry Park properties are not within the Perry Park Metropolitan District and do not qualify for slash pickups.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The Metro District applies for yearly grants to assist in Fire Mitigation efforts throughout Perry Park. Part of the requirements to receive these grants, is proof to the Grantees of the massive effort the District and its citizens undertake. If the District receives grant funding, we request that you download the Mitigation Log below, fill in your approximate mitigation efforts, and return the log to the Metro District. The more you provide support, the more likely the availability of grants for our future efforts!
Hours and dollars spent can be submitted by completing the Online Mitigation Form.